British lucky boy finds a 2.5 million pound value in a gold box!

This happened in May 2009. At the age of three, James was pestering his grandfather to inquire about the metal detectors. So, the grandfather took James and his son to treasure in the small town of Hawkley near Southend. James fiddled with a metal detector that was taller than himself and began searching. A few minutes later, the instrument issued a "click" sound indicating that there was metal material underground. After digging more than 20 centimeters, they saw the metallic luster in the soil and carefully removed the bright objects. "We've been digging down and we've seen this shiny thing. It's incredible. I look around and think it's a prank," said Jason, who works on web design. At the time, Jason and James' grandfather were quite excited. His grandfather likes to use a metal detector to search for treasures in his spare time. He has found nothing in 15 years. Jason said: "My son is one of the luckiest people."

James Hyat

Foreign media reported on the 17th that Britain’s 4-year-old boy James Hayter had been playing with a metal detector for the first time and found a 16th-century golden box pendant (left), estimated to be worth millions of pounds.

After cleaning, the little things are revealed. This square flat box is a gold necklace pendant. Jason realized that this may be an antique. He then contacted the Essex Excavation Agency and the British Museum and commissioned the two agencies to further identify. Test results show that the gold content of this pendant is 73%. British Museum experts believe that the original owner of this jewelry has a higher status. “It may belong to a high person in the church or royal family,” Jason said. “They lost the jewelry when they went out hunting.”