Talking about how to improve the management level of machinery and equipment

With the advancement of the western development, the state’s efforts to increase infrastructure construction in the west, construction progress and project quality, consumption and cost reduction, and engineering efficiency are all due to the assembly rate and good ratio of machinery and equipment. With regard to the utilization rate, how to manage the equipment well, I will elaborate on the following aspects.
1. Purchase In addition to attaching importance to the working efficiency and working quality of key machinery and equipment, it also requires reliable operation. Therefore, in the selection of key mechanical equipment, it should emphasize its performance. Of course, the selection of key machinery and equipment should be matched with existing equipment to form a power match for construction machinery.
2. Use Management As the construction machinery and equipment are centralized, with large quantities and complex varieties, special personnel are responsible for the use and management of machinery and equipment. Large-scale mechanical equipment should be fixed and fixed, and the captain responsible system should be established. Sound construction should be established. Mechanical equipment management ledger, detailed record of mechanical equipment number, name, model, specifications, unit price, performance, date of manufacture, date of purchase, date of use, maintenance and other conditions. From the construction machinery and equipment to the construction site, we will begin to do a good job in the classification and filing of mechanical equipment technical data and related voucher vouchers. The main technical data of mechanical equipment includes the use manual and certificate of conformity. With the timely inspection of the construction equipment to ensure the integrity of machinery and equipment, order parts in time to better repair the failure of the construction machinery and equipment, wearing parts should have a certain reserve, but can not cause backlog of waste.
3. Safety management Safety management Subordinate to the main body of the work is a systematic project. We must resolutely implement the "safety management must be controlled" and ensure the safety within their respective management areas and the principle of safe work that is responsible for the overall safety and safety. Management has regulations to follow, eliminate mechanical equipment sickness operations, and prevent "three violations" phenomenon.
4. Leasing With the development of China's market economy, the bidding system for project construction has been implemented, and the leasing of machinery and equipment has become more and more important. The phenomenon of the disconnection between the use and use of machinery and equipment and the benefits of enterprises is relatively serious, and many factors have formed. The "big and complete, small and complete" enterprises, the average comprehensive utilization rate of machinery and equipment is only about 30%, resulting in a great waste of equipment resources, in the continuous development of the market economy, people's ideas have been from the past technology The transformation of physical form management to the combination of the management mode of value form and physical form, centered on economic efficiency, and the gradual transformation of the economic benefits of enterprises to the direction of capital management, is based on the principle of macro management and invigoration on a macro level, creating a set for use, A new model of management and operation.
5. In order to create benefits, information management must improve the utilization rate of machinery. At present, when machinery is in urgent need of machinery and equipment, the machinery can hardly keep up. On the other hand, the utilization of some machinery and equipment is low, machinery is idle, so how to improve the utilization rate? What? First of all, it is necessary to collect its own data and information, as the superior competent department to collect information on the advanced level of equipment, production dynamics, spare parts supply, maintenance point layout, market share, price update cycle, depreciation period, new products, etc. to serve the machinery This work is extremely important for the purchase, use, maintenance, lease, processing, and management of equipment needs for evaluation, reference demonstration, and assessment.
6. Matters needing attention during repairs The correct use of machinery and equipment is directly related to service life, energy consumption, ergonomics, environmental protection, and safety. Repairs must be prompt. Strictly according to the plan and the condition of the equipment, it shall be repaired promptly. Do not delay the equipment due to the condition of the equipment, the time limit is tight, or give up the mechanical equipment repair. Unified coordination of maintenance, maintenance organization management, focus on maintenance, maintenance plans for large and medium-sized equipment, maintenance of equipment on time, by level, by item, by quality, to prevent the repair agent, found problems, should be promptly removed, prevent Suffered before it.
7. Doing a good job of mechanical equipment renewal and scrapping This is also an important part of the whole process management of mechanical equipment. When mechanical equipment is about to reach the end of scrapping period, it will have high energy consumption, high failure rate, and large maintenance costs, affecting construction progress and quality, and safety. With low performance, it poses a threat to safe production. Therefore, these equipments should be scrapped at the right time, reducing expenditures and improving efficiency.